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Related Works On Steiner Triple Systems

Embeddings A Steiner Triple System S is said to be “embedded in” another Steiner Triple System T iff every triple in S is also contained...

A Product of Our Research

This post will be a very short one, simply a demonstration of the longest NS1D0 sequence I've been able to produce with our algorithm so...

Patterns in NS1D0 Sequences

Patterns in NS1D0 Sequences This week, I’m taking a break from looking at the generation of NS1D0 sequences to take a look at some...

A Code Update

At this point in the project, I have written all of the code necessary to generate a Steiner Triple System through our chess board...

A New Operator

A New Operator One of the key elements to forming a 3-Triangulation is a special operator, the circular operator. Although it is briefly...

Two More Sequences

Inductors and Sign Inductors The next step in the process of finding Steiner Triple Systems from NS1D0 sequences is creating two more...

What is an NS1D0 sequence?

One of the fundamental parts of the paper we are basing this work on is a type of sequence the authors of the paper call a...


Hi there! My name is Lucy Patton, and I am a second year student at Drexel University. This term, I am working with Dr. Mark Boady to...

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